September 5, 2012

Focusing on the Old

Myself in the Painting Studio - 04/2012

One of my favorite things about making artwork is how I can start working on this idea that has been stored away inside of my thoughts to create a visual evidence. At first I'm really excited about it and I let things happen as I had pictured them happening already. Then suddenly I'll get stuck on something or I won't have the time or inspiration to work on it. I end up taking a break and the piece just sits there. While I'm on this break, I see and think about the unfinished artwork every day. I think about what I like and what I don't like about it and try to picture how it will look like when it is finished. But I don't really know any of that for sure.
Then one day I'll wake up and I'll have this epic feeling that today is the day that I am going to work on it again. That's when it really starts. I focus all of my energy and inspiration back into making the piece and put as much time and effort into it until I feel it is completed. When feel I've reached that time to finally call it finished, I don't feel accomplished because my time with it has ended, I feel accomplished because I know I've made a piece of artwork. I was ready to finish the piece.

I started this painting back in april and I finally placed it back onto my painting easel today...

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